Author: OpenStreetMap UK CIC
Board meeting 2020-01-06
Attendance Rob Nickerson Adam Hoyle Jez Nicholson Gareth Lloyd Apologies: Brian Prangle Quarterly project Discussed the end of the Q4 project. Discussed whether we had time to go to a […]
Board meeting 2019-11-04
Present:RobAdamJez Apologies:Gareth Discussion about meetingsJez: When he joined the monthly call felt too much like a chat. So having an agenda makes sense. Rob: We sort of defaulted to monthly director calls based […]
Board meeting 2019-10-07
Present: Gareth Adam (Minutes) Jez (Chair) Review Current ActionsDiscussion of current actions and updated statuses. Director ResignationFollowing the resignation of Steven Richardson, Adam proposes we announce to the members that […]
Board meeting 2019-09-02
Present: Rob Gareth Adam Jez Director resignationSteve Richardson has offered his resignation. Discussion around next steps, create an action to explore the options and present it to the members. Review […]
Board meeting 2019-08-05
Present: Rob Gareth Steve Jez (Joined during agenda item 1) Adam (Joined after 35 minutes) Martin (guest, for first 35 minutes) Update from Martin on TfL Cycle Infrastructure Database work: […]
Board meeting 2019-07-15
Present: Adam Rob (Chair) Steve Gareth Apologies: Jez Welcome to new Directors: Board would like to thank Brian and Gregory once again for their support. Welcome to Gareth and Steve […]
OpenStreetMap assists with Climate Change Resilience Planning
Responding to the increased frequency of weather-related road closures and the difficulty of securing government funding to mitigate the risks, a group of 14 councils organised in the South West […]
Board meeting 2019-05-08
Present: Rob Gregory Apologies: Jez Brian Adam AGM – Venue secured. Happy to confirm with members and talk-gb. Formal invitation to be drafted (Rob) and agreed with board via email. […]
St Albans Unlocked: Hearing OpenStreetMap through Soundscape
There are many people that live with sight loss for which taking a trip to shops or visiting a nearby tourist attraction can be stressful and often has to be […]
Birmingham City Council: leveraging traffic sensor data
Birmingham City Council redesigned their approach to intelligent mobility through the release of open data sets for traffic sensors using OpenStreetMap for speed, cost and open-ness. The publication of traffic […]