Board meeting 2019-05-08

2019, Minutes


  • Rob
  • Gregory


  • Jez
  • Brian
  • Adam

AGM – Venue secured. Happy to confirm with members and talk-gb. Formal invitation to be drafted (Rob) and agreed with board via email. Jez seems to be leading on the post AGM part of the event. Jez to follow up and provide update to the board. Venue available to 5pm. Could plan to go for food after then (drinks first maybe). Brick lane is the curry place. Can ask Jez and/or the London OSM community for ideas.

Election of new Directors – Not yet had anyone come forward to stand as new Director (to replace Gregory and/or Brian). Will be added to AGM notification at later date. Current directors to reach out to people to see if we can encourage someone to come forward.

Ordinary resolutions – Setting of the membership fees. Suggestion is to increase the lower level corporate membership as there is quite a bit of admin involved to arrange these. Maybe increase to somewhere in the £80-150 region. Suggestion is to go for £100. To check with other directors on Loomio.

Proxy voting – Gregory and Rob to receive completed AGM forms.

AGM chair – Gregory to do this again.

Actions – Actions from previous meeting reviewed. Rob to copy draft board policy on how to share info about corporate engagement into loomio to allow us to vote on it. Will also copy over the CIC report to ensure everyone sees it.

Enquiries to the board – Holding email from Microsoft (need to arrange next meting). Still trying to follow up with GetMapping regarding access to aerial imagery.

Notification received from Joseph Leach (London City Hall) about the London EV data conflation tool now up and running. Was also sent to talk-gb-london.

CycleStreets won the TfL Talent Directory work.

Brian TfGM referred from OSMF – telcon about cycle data info provided await their call.

Finance update – Bank £2368.06 Paypal £443.25 Liabilities:Corporation Tax and accountants Fee. HMRC fine cancelled. Meeting accountants to agree fee and finalise 2018 Accounts 23 May. CEN Group have paid their membership.

Memership updates – Action (DONE): Gregory to update records about CEN Group and OpenCage in CiviCRM. Non-corporate membership now at 97. (1 new in April + 5 renewals).

Events – Open Data Bristol “Intro to OSM” Tues 23 April: Seemed well appreciated. We had minimal input, but Jez did get them to mention OSMUK.

A Bristol OSM UK event: Open Data Bristol aren’t ready for this sort of event organisation. No reason why they wouldn’t join in if we organised one. Lesson learned at our end (i.e. not always as easy as Open Data Manchester).

Norfolk Meetup: Nora trying to start a Norfolk pub meet. Gave encouragement.

AOB – Rob pitched an idea of a 24 hour mapathon focused on a specific region in the UK. Idea is that we welcome people to help map that region during a 24 hour period (at time that suites each individual). Can do this once per month and announce the locations well in advance (e.g. a full 12 month list). This complements the quarterly mapping projects which a thematic not regional projects. It may help to build community and allows mappers to look beyond their normal patch every now and then – will help to fill in some less mapped areas and to highlight mapping styles inconsistencies.

Meeting end: +50 minutes.