Board meeting 2019-09-02

2019, Minutes


  • Rob
  • Gareth
  • Adam
  • Jez

Director resignation
Steve Richardson has offered his resignation. Discussion around next steps, create an action to explore the options and present it to the members.

Review Current Actions
Discussion of current actions and updated statuses.

Enquiries and contacts to/from Board members
Harsh (Microsoft) has gotten back in touch asking if anyone is attending State of the Map 2019 and asking when we can catch up again.
National Trust have discussed creating a wiki page regarding their suggested map edits.
Spokes – bike charity – asking for surveying of Midlothian to be completed by mid October – action to help promote via Twitter.
Amazon Logistics – no further contact.
Scott Orr, UCL – looking for guest lecturer – will ask for more details and share with Talent Directory.
Gareth spoke to some contacts in academia to see how well OSM is represented in libraries and research offices. Gareth is following up on JISC (mailing group for academics) – will discuss next steps on Loomio.
Brian Prangle (former Director) has been invited to speak at MOVE2020 – Directors will assist producing content.
Mapillary – OSMUK could sign up as an organisation and should then be able to get geojson outputs for the object detections that their machine learning produces.
Kirsten got in touch regarding Local Parishes and open data – she has posted to Loomio, will follow up with her.

Finance Update
The following was added after the meeting and reflect the situation as at 1 October:
Bank             £2403.60
Paypal           £ 500.61
Debtors         £   50.00
Total Assets £2954.21    
Less liabilities Corp Tax  £244 Accountant £130
AVAILABLE       £2580

Membership Update
The following were added 2 November 2019 (some time after this meeting). The numbers include those that are within their Grace period:

  • Normals members: 108
  • Corporate members: 5

Projects: 2019/2020 Strategy
Rob has drafted an initial set of thoughts on each point, Directors will review and add to it in next 2 weeks and will publish it onto Loomio for further feedback w/c 16th September.

Projects: Quarterly Projects: Solar
Project is going well, next quarterly project is October-December. Discuss with members on Loomio to explore a QP involving a organisation (as per 2019/2020 Strategy).

Projects: Talent Directory
Gareth will review how the current Talent Directory is structured and look at any improvements.

Future Events
Jez is attending both FOSS4GUK (19/20 Sept – Edinburgh) and SotM (21/23 Sept – Heidelberg, Germany)