Board meeting 2017-04-20
Board Meeting
Held by teleconference on 20 April at 7pm.
- Gregory
- Brian (Meeting Chair)
- Adam
- Rob
- Jon (joined late)
1. Minutes
Minutes of last meeting: Board Meeting minutes 2017-03-14
- Approved.
- Action: Gregory to publish on Loomio.
- Action: Rob to make “Board Meetings” subgroup, and set all directors to be Loomio admins.
2. Bank Account Progress (Rob)
- Forms completed and sent in, about 3 weeks ago. Jon as main contact, not aware we’ve had anything back.
- Action: Rob to check with Jon, and contact bank on Monday if needed to chase.
3. OSMF Affiliation (Rob)
- Paul Norman (OSMF Board) has kicked of process of contacting the mailing lists.
- No responsonses on talk-gb or talk-scotland, good for people to post responses of support if it’s the case.
- Some response from talk-ie, goes in hand with our previous discussions (OSMF members can be mebers of both/either chapters)
- Not sure how long the consultation period will be.
- Brian: recent response on talk-ie with an objection (or at least desire for stance to be written in text/contract)
- Consensus from us to wait and see the objection suggest a resolution, open to text being suggested that is suitable for us to use.
4. Standing Orders (Brian)
- “Draft OSMUK Board Rules of Order April 2017” for the benefit of joining OSMF
- Consensus from us all that the points are fine.
5. Domains (Rob)
- Public discussion
- Decision to get on and just decide ourselves as there’s not much member discussion and it needs to be decided.
- Decision: to go with
- Action: Rob to put a poll up “Directors decide, do you agree: yes/no”
6. Website sitemap (Greg)
- Seemingly didn’t post it to Loomio, has a text document
- Action: Gregory to post sitemap to members, see if anyone spots potential pages missing.
- Action: Brian to look through his docs(e.g. AoA) and see if they’re on Greg’s suggested sitemap
7. Logo (Rob)
- Vector files exist on github from designer.
8. Welsh/UK rendering (Adam)
- Adam: not a lot of progress, not sure how to approach it.
- As others do renderings already, what are we trying to achieve? are we hosting?
- Official stance from us? Technicality?
- Gregory: look at OSMF/ guidelines for what layers get on the website, can we look at creating our own version of guidelines. If people produce/sere tiles that meet guidelines, great, if not we need to work on building one.
- Brian: work with Nick Whitelegg who is great and excited by it, have him create something he wants the OSMUK “seal of approval” on.
- Adam: I’ll make sure we’ve reached out with Nick, inform him, he’s empowered to lead on this,
- Rob: cost of serving tiles will be a question, I’d like to see (at some point) some proposed costs put forward to us that we can approve or disapprove.
- Brian: discussions with Realtime Birmingham who have setup a tile server, we can keep that in the background to look at further
9. Case Studies (Brian/Greg)
- Greg: nothing done on this
- Brian: I’m going to trawl through e-mails of OSM in use. Create a catalogue of use(using OSM or importing into OSM), that will look impressive.
- Gregory: yep, and we can use that to pick from to write some into case studies
10. Apps (Adam/Jon)
- Adam: Good chat going on Loomio. Lots of research done on whats out there, and we can work with OSM Notes API without having to add anything to it.
- Kort game is interesting. Same tech stack as Adam was intending to use, could help with our dev.
- Rob has some contact with the main developer.
- Action: Adam/Jon: Move current notes from hackpad into Loomio to get input from more people.
- By next meeting: Adam & Jon to think about the steps we take for this?
11. Membership Report (Greg)
- Action: Rob to give access to Gregory.
- Rob: 81 members
12. Financial Report (Jon)
- Jon: heard from bank. They need a bunch of information for completion (some answered during call).
- Action: various contact with bank and Companies House, and between Jon/Rob
13. Media Report (Brian)
- Brian: would like to draft a monthly e-mail to talk-gb and to our members’ mailing list. 1 side of A4 max, summary of what has happened (for those not checking Loomio constantly).
14. Highways England (Brian)
- Brian: (recap from Loomio info). They’re very open to releasing data, what do we want and what formats?
- Using this for something that the chapter has achieved already and we can do lots more, now we’re a formal organisation.
15. Any Other Business
Brian: have we decided on regular day to meet?
- 2nd Thursday of the month, at 7:30pm.
Meeting ended +72 minutes.