Board Meeting 2024-05-07

2024, Minutes

These minutes are draft until approved.

Apologies: Stephen, CJ
Present: Gareth, Rob W, Jon
Chair: Rob W
Minutes: Gareth

March minutes approved.

Financial Report

1 new members, 2 renewals in April.


Gareth posted to Loomio about the community forum reactivated. Gareth will write an email to talk-gb publicising this.
Rob W will update
Tentative suggestion to wait 6 months before starting a discussion on the future of Loomio.


QP 2

Rob W shared showing a visible uptick in mapping progress corresponding to the start of the quarterly project.
A post about this was shared to the community forum.


Gareth will create a post on the community forum to discuss quarterly project ideas.

Reports from events

OSM UK chat

Gareth presented about how they contribute to OSM and the tools they use in March.
Rob W presented about AEDs in April
We’d like to do this again but would like someone outside of the directors to do a presentation. With the time constraints, we have decided to do an event that is just a hangout for May.
Let’s talk about editors?

Future Events

Gareth is going to EMF-camp at the end of May.


Next meeting on the 4th of June
Rob W to check with Jez about UK Territorial waters mapping query