Board Meeting 2024-02-06
CJ updated PHP on the webserver.
Financial report
Jon emailed the financials statement. 3 memberships.
Gareth queried the lack of line item for paying the accountant. Jon will investigate.
Future QP project
Robert W. is looking at enhancing the tooling for defib quarterly project. and is still going to inform The Circuit about the project.
Suggested priorities:.
Add more defibs to OSM.
Add other tags (enhance detail).
Look at the circuit comparison and add ref’s to help with matching.
Somehow record errors in their data to help them.
Devise a way to encourage people to inform the responsible person for a defib in The Circuit..
Gareth has still not had a response from the Ireland moderation team on
New UK company legislation This came into legislation.
Still some discussion on who’s responsible if records are incorrect. We do not want to be going through our membership list unnecessarily and are not an identity service.
We will look at introducing an associate membership tier (that already exists in our AoA) for people who do not want to be on a list of members that is subject to inspection by the govt, however full members would still be within their rights to see this list.
We will inform the membership of their options to convert the memberships.
Future Mapping Chat
We still agree that we should host one.
LCCWG Congress
This is on March the 2nd.