Board Meeting 2024-01-09
Attendees: Gareth, CJ, Robert, Jon, Stephen
Could OSMF help host WP and CiviCRM?
CJ did send an email enquiring about this following a brief conversation at SOTM EU but has not heard any more.
WordPress + civicrm update
CJ will backup the server and update PHP.
Accounts & memberships
The Company Confirmation statement was done by Jon. Thank you.
The accounts and CIC34 form have been submitted. We approved payment to the accountant.
We had 1 corporate membership renewal (thank you Avuxi) and 7 ordinary members renew in December.
Notes and fixmes is live. the wiki page is up. It’s early days but there does seem to be a lot of activity again.
Robert Whittaker queried how to see the oldest notes by area. Some links were shared with regards to this, including:
QP2 – Defibrillators CJ has created this issue in preparation for the QP2 project.
Robert Whittaker is still due to liaise with the circuit for any potential collaboration.
The directors webpage has been updated. The twitter widget is gone.
Loomio continues to be an issue but Gareth is managing membership requests which is handling the spam posts ok so far.
Gareth has sent a message to the Ireland section moderators on to find out the time overhead if we set up a UK section there.
This service is now fixed. Thankyou Greg.
CJ has created a script to look for food hygiene rating scheme establishment ratings that are suspected to have closed. It is published here
Recent Roads
CJ has continued with recent roads. This takes the USRN and sort them to try and indicate where new roads and paths may be. This isnt perfect as there are instances where sometimes long existing ways are allocated a USRN because the local council has just realised it should have one.
This may show where new residential areas.
Future Events
LCCWG global congress
This is on March 2nd 2024 13:00-16:00 UTC. Gareth forwarded the invite to the other directors.
Next board meeting will be 6th of February at 8pm