Board meeting 2018-12-12
- Jez (Chair)
- Gregory (minutes)
- Rob
- Brian
- Adam
Current Projects
Academic Projects: Loomio thread was going to be started. Done? Time before anything kicks off.
Street Complete App: work currently paused.
Jez spoke to people in Bristol about having a meetup, but they were hard to pin down (busy?). There was an open data event a couple of weeks ago, might have been different people. If we don’t get anything early in the next year then we’ll have to try a different tack.
Brian: biggest contributors are in the South West, so it would be good to peruse in that area. ODI Bristol is fragmented.
Rob: Could have a look on Meetup for other groups.
Corporation Tax: Brian has sent to accountants, and nothing heard back. No post come.
Members: point for Adam to contact a couple of companies. he has chased, but momentum lost so closing the action.
New corporate member, nothing heard back so Brian to write based on their website.
Quarterly project.
Nobody knows in detail about Ghosts project. Brian: think FHRS data to be the next data, and could follow with ghosts. Adam: are either suitable for Street Complete?. Greg: Yes, good to check the business is there.
Greg: Aren’t we mainly doing FHRS now for addressing? Brian: it’s a bit on that. FHRS was 2nd highest vote on Loomio.
University of Northampton
Rob: I think I’ve seen the content. It’s on Loomio.
Brian: Idea of a “officially mapped certificated” proposed by Jez, but that’s not an OSMF thing.
Jez: As it’s old news, we needed a thing to make it news. Is that the sort of thing we wanted to put out.
Brian: If that’s the story, we need the details of what this programme is – how do you get onto the list? Great idea, we need details so we’re not fumbling if we get asked questions.
Rob: It seems like a lot of admin, does it attract members or what is the benefit?
Jez: something I proposed for press, we don’t need to use it. Thing we can learn is that we need to move faster for press release when we do something.
Board Meeting minutes 2017-03-14Brian: I think we just put it up on our website as a case study. Use my photos.
Rob: I’ve got expenses to file. Not big, £10 for hosting, £20 for SD card, etc. Talent Directory to work on, getting it on the website.. I’ll try to sit down and do that.
Adam: anything you can delegate?
Rob: I should have time over Christmas. I’ve done collect/gather information page, was trying to create the information really high level. Not a whole bunch of new guides, but pointing people to other info. Left without images, but Greg has been adding pictures to some other pages so could continue.
Rob: OSMF have launched the “Welcome Mat” recently for companies.
Brian: We should have info about what license companies should publish data under, to help given the previous conversations we’ve had.
Rob: Currently it says to get in touch with us.
Adam: Could have a white paper about pros and cons of different licenses if they’re not confident to contact us enough.
Brian: Give people the 3 options that work, and say the ones that don’t. Can ask the advisory board about the issue of the wiki not being clear.
Enquiries, TfL.
Rob: I went to TfL 2 weeks ago. Bit of a pointless meeting because I didn’t learn anything beyond what I read in advance of the meeting. They took us through the database. 33 people collected data with surveyor app “Collector”, 2 photos of weverything cycle-infrastructure related. Lots of attributes about it. Signs, parking hoops, etc. Want to get it into OpenStreetMap, because they’ve realised all apps use it (with exception of GoogleMaps). 2 hours of meeting was spent on demo’ing, didn’t get into technical details of getting into OSM besides releasing it with legal terms.
Rob: My concern is that it’s going to take time to get it into OSM on a volunteer basis.
Adam: Could be part of the Geospatial Commission bid?
Rob: I think we’ll get people interested, it might not boil down to everything.
Adam: Quarterly projects would be good, but it’s just London-focused data.
Brian: As it was 2 weeks ago, you should stay in contact to keep the momentum with them.
Rob: I’ve been trying to chase from Martin and Richard to find out about the section of the meeting I missed. Not really heard details other than the summary.
Rob: I’ll get in touch other mappers such as Microsoft might get interested.
Enquiries, Kisio Digital
Rob: Had the e-mail today. French passenger rail company, expanding into UK. Going to be in London next week, hoping to meet us. Is anyone available to meet them?
Brian: I could probably make it.
Adam: Seems like a chemistry meeting, good to know who they talk to later.
Brian: I would prefer a telephone call. Good to explain to them that we’re all volunteers, none are actually London-based.
Enquiries, InLink
Brian: We’ve been given a CSV list of the company that replaces phones with digital display boards? We can’t actually use the data into OSM but we can use it to find them. Could we contact Robert to put it into his system with a big disclaimer?
Enquiries, ODI
Rob: we had a request to help with their comparison document of open licenses. Myself and Gregory responded, and also sent it to the OSMF Licence Working Group to give them a chance to comment.
Board Meeting minutes 2017-03-14
Enquiries, Wikimedia UK
Jez: Had a chat with the communications manager. He was looking at cross over between Wikimedia and OSM. He had a project he was looking at, awaiting for some feedback on that. Seems like there will be more work with us and Wiki Data. No action required just yet.
Report on finance from Brian
We’ve made money from Northampton University. Not much change otherwise.
3 new members this month. All seem to be the result of chats/events with Gregory and Brian.
Brian: Would be good to have a list of corporate members and when they expire, so we can politely get int touch with them ahead of the time.
Measuring Success
Rob: I had a chat in the Local Chapters telegram group. Suggestion if anyone had the idea of scraping existing websites to create a score card of UK. Nobody understood the reason why or showed any interest in doing it.
Adam: If it was open source, we could add to them so that we can show UK-specific info.
OSM Wiki
Jez: I’ve done a bit of work on it. Mainly tracking down pages. Next step is to work on stale pages and update them. All “UK Pages” are in a category so I can get a list easily to review.
Brian: I looked recently it’s a good improvement. I like the flag.
Adam: Could we post in Loomio and get others to be involved? Your start might encourage others to continue.
Jez: Next step is Quarterly Projects, using that to update our pages. At the end of the project, write our page on the project.
Brian: Could add Robert’s resource. Under community, or somewhere else.
ODI Invitation to tender
Rob: It has now closed. We’re only aware of Richard Fairhurst.
Greg: Still not allowed to say about the other 3 projects. They did have a workshop, and it seems from that the big thing was that the project don’t know how to tag things.
[Lots of discussion on this, and ways we could help the ODI with their projects. Could do a workshop with them in-person or remotely, would be helpful for ODI to pay at least expenses, would be very beneficial for them]Geospatial Commission
Brian had correspondence from Rootshoot. Responded but nothing back. We don’t have the resources to write or manage a bid, we could only partner with someone else.
Adam: If people approach us, we can mention the Talent Directory and push to that. Should we keep a track of how many people get in touch with us over this. St Albans got in touch with us for permission to use OpenStreetMap in a response.
Rob: Is there any projects or companies that we could more actively reach out to? Check they’re sure there’s money, that we could link them up with talent. I mentioned it to the Ramblers, and they said thanks.
Adam: Do we want to apply for the fund?
Brian: I’m strong that we don’t have the resources. Writing the bid is full time and managing it, full-time work.
Rob: We should advising companies and encouraging them to bid for projects that we think is good.
Adam: Should we get in touch with our corporate members? Is there a chance they don’t know about it?
Brian: Yes, and also point them to our Talent Directory that they could use. I’ll let RootShoot know about that.
Brian: High-vis vests.
Jez: Seems popular. Seems confused if we should get a load or collect money beforehand. Collect money would work.
Rob: We need to put it on the website as a purchasing. Get people to pay to our Paypal account. Say to do it by some date.
Brian: If you’re interested, we can do £5 deposit.
Rob: They’re only £8 and then if we do more bulk we can get the savings (for OSM UK). Let’s not make it tricky by taking some money then asking for a smaller amount later.
Adam: Not just on the website, promote on all the other places.
Vote to do it that way. Take the money.
Rob: Will OSM UK take the hit on Paypal fees %? I’ll do it as the standard cost, the Paypal hit will be saved if we reach bulk numbers.
[logo discussion, resulting in doing the OSM UK logo as we have that design and it’s pre-orders]Meeting Ended
Happy Christmas everyone.
+74 minutes.