Board Meeting 2024-12-03

2024, Minutes

Attendees: Gareth, Steve K, Stephen H
Guests: None
Apologies: CJ, Rob


Onboarding steve

Gareth needs to ask Steve for website bio and setup email redirect so they get board emails

Financial Report

Jon is doing a handover with Stephen H on access to financials. Steve K will be a signatory too.
Gareth will chase Jon for a balance update. More handover will happen in February

Membership Renewals Update

November brought 2 new members and 12 renewals.

Loomio retirement

Gareth has made it invite only and changed the description so it directs people to the community forum.

Website updates

Gareth will continue updating the website over Christmas. Include the board meeting date change (we meet 1st tuesday of the month)


Q4 QP project, crossings (pedestrians)

There’s a number of maproulette challenges created in the Manchester and London area and a substantial amount of discussion on the community forum about tagging in the UK

Q1 2025 project

Fixmes and notes? We’ll announce this soon and create the wiki page.
Gareth to post about this.

SOTM 2025

Gareth responded OSMUK is here to help and we are due to have a kickoff meeting early december.


Steve K is looking to give a talk at geomob about osmuk.
Gareth to look if there is a osmuk template for slides.

OSM UK chat

There is not an OSM UK chat in December due to scheduling issues.

Future events

Birmingham Meetup

RobN has arranged an in person OSM meetup in Birmingham. Gareth and Stephen are intending to attend.


Website access for Stephen and Steve needs to be setup