Board Meeting 2024-11-13

2024, Minutes

Attendees: Gareth, Stephen H, Steve K, Robert W
Apologies: CJ


Welcoming Steve

We welcomed Steve to the board and disucssed setting up email, companies house info and website bio. Companies house is already updated.

Financial Report

We haven’t had our financial update yet, but need to arrange handover of this task from Jon.
Stephen H will take over this task.

Membership Renewals Update

October is a busy month. we had 30 memberships renewed and 2 new members

Community Forum

Nothing in particular on this front. A lot of talk about crossings lately, which is the quarterly project.

Loomio retirement

This was agreed at the AGM. Gareth is going to make it invite only and change the description so it directs people to the community forum.

Website updates

We had a query about camera rental as it is still dormant. There is a bunch of tidyup needed on the website in this regard.

  • change the loomio link to the community forum.
  • land registry parcels make this reachabel from the menu


Q4 QP project, crossings (pedestrians)

There’s a number of maproulette challenges created in the manchester and london area and a substantial amount of discussion on the community forum about tagging in the UK

Q1 2025 project

Fixmes and notes? We’ll announce this soon and create the wiki page.

SOTM 2025

Gregory emailed about the possibility of SOTM-EU being held in edinburgh 2025. Gareth will respond back saying we are here to help


Steve K is considering giving a talk at geomob about osmuk.

Future events


UK Territorial water boundaries

The boundaries for the UK waters was highlighted to be incorrect. Jez was following up with the person who highlighted this. Most of the borders appear to have been calculated many many years ago.