Board Meeting 2023-02-06
Apologies: Arthur, Jon
Present: Gareth, CJ, Stephen
Chair: CJ
Minutes: Gareth
Guest: Rob Nickerson
Gyder is an events app which uses a map. Ben Pearce joined the call to discuss what they do.
Kind of info for events:
- Show content
- Timetables
- Maps
- initially using mapbox
- Google style directions
- Routing engines
There was some discussion on how to encourage mapping effort. This included providing high quality aerial imagery and streetlevel imagery that is license compatible. Gareth will email a follow-up email
WordPress PHP
Jon to report back on updates to PHP. CJ Malone to get access to the server from Jon
Financial Report
Calendar month we ended £26.78 down as we only had 1 membership renewal this month.
Membership renewals
Since our previous meeting, we have had 1 renewal
New OSMUK mapping chat meeting
Gareth will run another session to talk about qp1 and qp2.
Address project
Rob has been trying to implement some of the recommended changes to a forked version of mapcomplete.
He has also been talking with OSGEOUK and may post to the mailing list.
Quarterly projects for 2023
QP1 is a good project so far. we’re at around 5000 closed notes so far.
We are reducing the open count by 1000 notes net per month.
We had a lot of discussion about opening/closing notes and when to do so.
Regarding QP2: Let’s start the conversation. Potentially a lot of UK specific documentation to be created.
TomTom new map for 2023
Marjan asked about why the second maproulette challenge got lower engagement to Rob and he fed back that they need a community engagement strategy to keep people interested.
TfL conflation
There was an issue with some of the edits which has been communicated on talk-gb. This was to do with conflation and misalignment.
Bolt emailed talk-GB. CJ did email them on behalf of osmuk but received no reply.
Future Events
OSMF Local Chapters Congress
Gareth and CJ attended. Rob and Adam also attended.
Notable things were: OSM Belgium and OSM US only just launched corporate memberships.
OSM Belgium are hosting their own streetview, currently based off mapillary.
CJ caught some of the recorded presentations but couldn’t attend in person.