Board Meeting 2020-06-01

2020, Minutes

Attending: Jez, Gareth, Adam, Rob

Apologies: Brian

Chair: Jez
Minutes: Gareth

Request for new directors
OSM-UK newsletter sent out, and cross-posted on twitter.
Gareth will repost to talk-gb soon
Directors will contact a few potential candidates.

Rob will check deadlines for finances and CIC form 34

The Bexhill re-submission and the application is accepted following review by present directors.
Adam is still trying to chase up the Wigan applicant but still haven’t been able to get a response yet.
Jez will contact the Bexhill applicant to inform them they are successful and will gather details.

OSMF grant applications
Rob submitted 3 grants on behalf of OSM-UK. OSMF is moving quite quickly but there are a lot of applications. They are visible on the OSMF wiki.
Expected timeline is an answer by July. has the minutes of their discussions.

Q3 project
re: tfl cycling dataset, Martin + Richard working on it.
Gareth will ask how they are doing, and based on response, will suggest it as part for Q3 project. Loomio discussion.

Management of activities
Adam raised the actions spreadsheet is no longer being used and whether we should look at using something else like a trello board.
Consensus is that currently there aren’t a lot of tasks which are dependent on lots of people, so we’re okay for the moment.

Solar Ground Installations
Ground installations are 100% mapped in GB! This was a previous quarterly project.