Board meeting 2017-08-10
Board Meeting
Held by teleconference on 10 August at 7.30pm.
- Brian
- Rob
- Gregory
Agreed Rob to chair.
- Jon (flying to SotM, sent reports by email)
- Greg sorry for delaying the meeting.
1. Minutes
Accepted Board Meeting minutes 2017-07-13 as accurate.
2. Financial report (Jon)
- Bank
- £1200 from OSMF, £25 apology gift from Co-op
- £1185 in account now
- Jon: Should others besides him have access to online banking?
- Rob for resilience, other directors can be set up later
- Paypal
- Paypal is sent up & linked to our bank account. Send invoice to members or put a link on website ? Action: to discuss in Japan, and put a link on website after SotM.
3. Membership Report (Greg)
- Not checked numbers, 1 new signup?
- Action: Greg to look at membership diversity (gender)
4. OSMF Affiliation and OSMF Advisory Board (Rob)
- Rob not heard anything about it recently
- Rob will be pushing to share knowledge amongst local chapters
5. West Midlands Data Discovery Centre (Brian)
- Informal opportunity to make have a space and place where we could make networking contacts (all UK local authority’s transport dept)
6. Updates to Board Standing Orders (Brian)
- Amendment to section 6: quorum is as per article 16
- Amendment: Proposed circular resolution accepted as
- Both amendments are in the document on the Director’s Loomio.
7. Domains (Rob)
- Transfer done to Rob’s account. Need to reclaim money from OSM UK CIC.
8. Website (Greg)
- No further progress. To be picked up in September.
- Want to have minimum (homepage & paypal registration) ready by mid-September board meeting (14th).
9. BCU tileserver Memorandum of Understanding (Brian)
- delay with getting Nick & Adam login details
- MoU viewed and agreed as acceptable
10. Welsh/UK rendering (Adam)
- No report from Adam.
- There is a discussion on talk-gb with a Spanish guy studying in Wales & trying to improve the map.
11. Case Studies (Brian/Greg)
- No new ones written. Some responses to Brian from groups.
12. Apps (Adam)
- No report
13. Highways England (Brian)
- No contact from them. We’re on the list of organisations, which will be looked at with how they send updates to.
14. PRoW updates (Brian)
- Lots of information back from Natural England and Ramblers Association. Some legislation changing, might be good to change. But be too much disjointed data for us to deal with.
- Worth taking it back to community. State we’re going to table it unless they are volunteers to make use of it.
15. HS2 (Brian)
- Meeting with Transport Systems Catapult (part of Digital Catapult), they’ve been tasked with building a toolset that collates all the data. We’re only interested in static data. Will be a massive load of work for us to do.
- Approached Andy Robinson who put all the data into OSM (has contacts), would he be happy co-ordinating the group keeping the data up to date? Yes he would. We’ve got some time, as not much work will done yet.
- Opportunity to show how quickly we can keep the map up to date, and encourage use of it!
16. Any Other Business
- Rob: any engagement we should do whilst in Japan?
- Ask about better aerial imagery (from Mapbox/Digital Globe) for the UK, rather than where they advertise their pretty images.
Meeting closed +1 hour 10 minutes.