Board meeting 2017-07-13

2017, Minutes

Board meeting

Held by teleconference on 13 July at 7.30pm.


  • Brian
  • Adam
  • Gregory

Agreed Brian to chair.


  • Rob
  • Jon (reports sent by email)

1. Minutes

Accepted Board Meeting minutes 2017-06-08 as accurate.

2. Matters arising

  • Initiative for mapping communications still in progress.
  • Media Report plea sent for volunteers, no body has come forward. Might be good to check it’s also sent out on the mailing list.
  • Shell Filling Stations no reply from Ilya. Will leave.

3. Bank Account Progress (Jon)

Bank account is open. They have issued debit cards and online banking tokens for all of us. But they get deactivated automatically if they aren’t used for too long. Should we all have access to these or only some of us, and if so who?
As the whole process took so long (partly our fault as we failed to fill in the form properly) the bank has kindly credited us with £25.

4. Financial Report (Jon)

We have £25 but we owe Brian £40. I have been in contact with Frederik Ramm who will be paying the £1200 for consultancy by bank transfer I am waiting to hear from him that it is done.
Jon will take up creating a Paypal account.
Do we need a merchant account with the bank to accept credit card payments?
  • No. Easy to take payments through Paypal, can review later if financially/convienience alternatives are better.

5. Membership Report (Greg)

74 newsletter subscribers
83 on the members list (may need cleaning)
(no changes since previous month)

6. OSMF Affiliation and OSMF Advisory Board (Rob)

OSMF board has decided to let us affiliate.
Asking for someone from us to sit on advisory board, suggest we nominate Rob as he is already the OSMF contact.
Agreement to be signed, nothing of concern in it.

7. Legal agreements with Innnovation Birmingham and Birmingham City University (Brian)

Documents signed by Brian on behalf of OSM UK CIC:
  • 1. Innovation Birmingham: statement of de minimis state aid (<£1K)
    • Needed if we want to receive funding from Europe.
  • 2. Innovation Birmingham: statement of assistance received
    • So they can reclaim funding from Europe.
  • 3. Birmingham City University: MoU on use of development server
    • Regarding use of the tile server.
Brian waiting for scanned copies of the documents to be sent.
Documents agreed in principle, subject to directors seeing the documents later.

8. Standing Orders (Brian)

Need to figure out what the poits were where standing orders wording wasn’t inline with our AoA.

9. Domains (Rob)

To be transferred from Dennis.

10. Website (Greg)

Not very interesting install:
Prorities: homepage, sign-up (newsletter & actual payment), then things like case studies.
Add link to Loomio (members’ discussion)

11. Logo (Rob)

All designs good now, this point can be dropped.
Logo to be rolled and used everywhere (e.g. Twitter)

12. Welsh/UK rendering (Adam)

Nick has been unable to work on this, but has got in touch with Adam recently.
We now have server for dev purposes. Will help us later with building a production server if we have hosting.
Brian has sent URL details of the server to Nick, will also send it to Adam.
Welsh language.
Adam to get in touch with Jerry and follow up on this.

13. Case Studies (Brian/Greg)

Brian has done (and on Loomio):
  • Megalithic Maps
  • Bex Hill
Brian is now in contact with:
  • Cycle Streets
  • Cambridge Map

14. Apps (Adam)

Not much tangible progress, so discussion on the mailing list.
Loomio has steps for the development

15. Budget Preparation

Nothing to report.
Budget was published last month.

16. Media Report (Brian)

Nothing to report
Should get a July newsletter
  • OSMF affiliation agreed!
  • Rob and Gregory will be at SotM, say hello to them and each other travelling from the UK.
  • Quarterly project

17. Highways England (Brian)

Nothing to report

18. PRoW updates (Brian)

Brian has contacted Ramblers, Cycle Club, Natural England (with copy on Loomio).

19. Quarterly Projects (Brian)

Had discussion and vote.
Use chapter to discuss and decide project, up to informal community to do the mapping project, chapter is able to promote and celebrate success of projects.

20. Any Other Business

How to deal with businesses reaching out to us (Adam)

  • Adam has a link at Fatmap and will meetup.
  • Will discuss what they want to do to help OSM or use OSM, and what the best ways are for that.
  • Will feed back to the board and/or community if there are ideas to be discussed.

Meeting ended +53 minutes.

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