Board meeting 2018-05-03
3rd May
- Rob
- Brian (chair)
- Gregory (minutes)
- Jon (late)
Adam (technical difficulties)
Minutes of last meeting (on Loomio)
Approved, on website already.
Matters arising not on this agenda
- Microsoft is quiet while waiting for a reply (not expected before June)
- ODI grant – still needing directors to read fully. Postpone.
- Drone working group (Brian), only had one response about wildlife trust. The wildlife trusts are all independent, Brian has started with one and will include Board on emails. Brian will continue to contact others. Response from DEft regarding HS2 and there is an aim to have the drone footage available. Will continue chat with people at AGM event.
- Starting to list consultants we engage with.
Report on enquiries to the board
- Brian has met Paul Bradshaw, BBC journalist (and OSMer). Runs a course.
- Brian had an approach from Hossein Navisi BCU (Birmingham City University) to do a lecture.
- Brian has arranged a meeting with Third Skin.
- Rob had vandalism on the map pointed to him. Not sure why he was picked.
- Brian spoke to Mapping Festival, and suggestion to get involved in that.
Elections process for AGM
- Only one nomination (Adam).
- Issue with our AoAs requiring 5 members. We will need to appoint someone extra to be on the board. This will have to be appointed by “board powers” (no formal election).
- ACTION: Brian to send a draft of the message explaining this and appealing for a member to step forward. If we don’t have anyone by the AGM we will have to look at other options.
Activities/workshops/timetable for 19th May
- 29 attendees to meetup.
- 10 registered for AGM.
- Will need a cake diagram and some paper map printouts for the mapping. Greg print A3 map of Manchester.
Newsletter (really AGM agenda/Joy Diversion timetable)
- covered by previous points
Change of registered office
- Thanks to Adam we have an option now.
- Circular resolution by e-mail, all directors agreed to use Adam’s address.
- Forms not sent out yet. ACTION: Rob to send to Companies House.
Annual financial report (circulated by email)
- Principle aims could be the text copied from all 4 aims, but not essential.
- 360 camera needs to be listed as fixed asset. Need to tell them the value of these (£100 inc accessories). Depreciation of 2-3 years we suggest.
- ACTION: Jon will return to accountants to get a revised statement.
- Robert Whitaker resigned, need to make sure that is on the report (confirmed it is on latest version)
- Expect it will be ready tomorrow from accountants, that we can circulate it to members.
- Apologies from Adam unable to connect to call. Mentioned BL(British Library?), and Locatio. Could continue afterwards.
- Greg can chair the AGM. Jon can’t make it.