Board Meeting 2021-05-10
Fees increase & civiCRM update
Adam and Gareth updated civicrm to 5.36. It now needs another update to 5.37. Gareth investigated the fees increase and has found that PayPal manages the ‘auto-renew’ payments. CiviCRM manages the ‘attempt to auto-renew’. A test to disable auto-renew in civiCRM did not inspire confidence that it had taken effect.
Membership renewals
Some corporate memberships are approaching expiry. Jez will follow these up. Gareth will give him guidance on how to generate a report on civiCRM highlighting upcoming or lapsed memberships.
Administrative calendar
Jon has created a schedule on the governance webpage.
We’d like an internal calendar too for track other administrative activities, e.g. dates when web services need renewing, company forms are due for filing. etc.
Loomio lifetime fees
Updated CJ on the details of the Loomio lifetime fee. We don’t need to do anything now as our current plan expires Jan 2022.
AGM 2021 date
Jez ran a poll on Loomio to indicate preference for AGM date. Combining results, it looks like will be SOTM weekend. Jez has announced this outcome to Loomio.
We need to announce no later than 25th of May and start soliciting for new directors.
Gareth will do the announcement and prepare the annual report (basis for cic34).
Jon will prepare the annual accounts.
Jon will chase up our accountants regarding their missed filings and HMRC fine dispute. We’ve paid the corporation tax for the year. We have not paid the fine as it is still under dispute.
University of Birmingham AI
Adam emailed Brian. He suggested following up with microsoft and see if they could change the bing imagery license for use in ML. No further update.
Tile server – Land Registry polygons.
Still working. A few areas missing and highlighted via e-mail. CJ will try and fix the missing areas. Documentation is to follow.
Projets du mois
Adam has heard there’s a docker file from their development team and will try it out soon.
Mapcomplete is a similar tool from the the OSM Belgian community.
We’re requested to formalise the question/suggestion to OSMF about delegating OSMF microgrant decisions to Local Chapters to give to Allan. Jez will write something for the next directors meeting to review.
Talent Pool
Jez has been setting up mailchimp updates to aid automation and reduce overhead. This area is quiet though.
Gareth will see how to distribute these effectively. create a webpage to request literature.
Rupert Allan, HOT/Missing Maps organising mapping in Wales for COVID analysis
Jez ran a call to introduce Rupert Allan to some of the OSMUK mapping community. The main problem was trying out a tasking manager task and a 3rd party used them unexpectedly, resulting in poor quality data.
What he is doing is trying to get a methodology together to get some funding for on the spot mapping in Wales. This is in the research stage.
There’s an opportunity to document some useful guidance for other people who are approaching this kind of activity.
Jez continues to be in contact.
Data extracts
CJ has been experimenting on this and has found it’s challenging to import things into QGIS which highglights the value of doing it. Possibly reaching out to the technical audience which arent.
CJ will investigate further and trial with pb data or similar and seek out any extant documentation – appending or amending as neccesary.
The order page is taken down and replaced with a how-to. This was because few were sold, made a loss, and was labour intensive to execute.