Board Meeting 2020-04-06

2020, Minutes

Attending: Jez, Gareth, Adam

Apologies: Brian, Rob

Chair: Jez
Minutes: Gareth

Quarterly Project
Gareth created a loomio thread for Q2 project idea, There were few responses but GP + pharmacy top out of 3 responses. Agreed it is topical.
Gareth will find sources to work from and create wiki page.

Neither applicants had been contacted due to directors availability
Adam will contact applicant from Wigan.
Jez will contact applicant from Bexhill.

Need to enquire if they’ve already done the project. Feedback if they were successful. Work with Bexhill. Remunerate if done, reschedule if not.

Diversity working group
Adam to feedback results from membership on the statement.

Jez has queried what other chapters charge. Need to publish equivalent fees from other local chapters before tabling a vote. Need to figure out what the new value would be.

Same date, we’ve agreed to hold it online. All in attendance voted yes.
Jez will communicate it to users.