Annual General Meeting 2021-07-10


The 2021 Annual General Meeting of OpenStreetMap United Kingdom C.I.C, online.

Chaired by: Jez Nicholson, a Director.

Minutes: Adam Hoyle, a Director

Meeting opened at 13:08

1. Welcome

Those present are welcomed to the AGM and the online space. The running order for the meeting was published on the website where the monthly meeting minutes are normally published. This link was posted in the chat box.

Voting procedures were explained, noting that votes against a proposal will be counted first.

There are no additional talks because this is during State of the Map.

Members attended: Nick Ananin, Adam Hoyle, Cj Malone, Gregory Marler, Gareth Rubyan-Ling, Jez Nicholson, Jon Harley, [could also include…. Philip Barnes, Jerry Clough, Rebecca Firth, Rob Nickerson, Alexis Markwick, Brian Prangle, Paul Williams, Robert Whittaker, Stuart Ward, Tony Shield, John Stanworth]

Adam Hoyle / Gareth Ling / Cj / Gregory / Jez Nicholson / Jon / Nick Ananin / Paul The Archivist / RobJN 

Guests present: None?

2. Apologies

Apologies were received by the Directors from Robert Whittaker ahead of the AGM.

3. To accept the attendance of any non-members present and to allow the Chair to call them to speak at his discretion.

A) There were no non-members present so this vote was not required

or B) Following proper procedure we asked whether anyone objects to having non-members present.

We proposed to do this without an official vote.

There were no objections to accepting this without a vote.

4. To approve the minutes of the previous AGM and matters arising (link).

The Minutes for AGM 2020 were posted to the website soon after the last AGM. They are fairly straightforward.

It was proposed to accept this without a formal vote.

There were no objections to accepting this without a vote.

5. To receive the annual Accounts for the period ending 31st March 2021.

The Annual Accounts have not been completed by the accountants, Moose.

A summary of the main figures showed approximately £1000 balance, an income of £800 and an operational expenditure of £500. (link to slide outlining income)

There was no formal vote as there were no completed accounts to vote on.

6. To receive the annual Directors’ Report on activities for 2020-2021 which will be submitted to the Office of the Regulator of CICs.

Presented by Gareth

The Annual Report of the Directors 2021 is available on the website. In the 10 months since last AGM and we have had some good successes.

It was proposed to accept this without a formal vote.

There were no objections to accepting this without a vote.

7. To accept the resignation of the following Directors: Jez Nicholson and Adam Hoyle; and to thank them for their services.

Our articles of association state we change at least 2 Directors each year. This is so that we get input from more people and don’t go stale. Adam has been a Director since 2017 and Jez 2018 and, as described in the articles of association for this situation, are mandated to step down or seek re-election. At this AGM, They have chosen to seek re-election.

It was proposed to accept this without a formal vote.

There were no objections to accepting this without a vote.

Several members reaffirmed their thanks to the work of the outgoing directors.

8. To elect new Directors.

No new candidates were standing.

We proposed to accept this without a formal vote.

This was explained with no objections.

11. AOB notified during the AGM

Jez: I would like to propose a special vote of thanks to all those involved in providing the Land Registry polygons layer. It is a major win for alignment of imagery and plotting of buildings.

Meeting closed at 13:28

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