Board meeting 2019-07-15

2019, Minutes


  • Adam
  • Rob (Chair)
  • Steve
  • Gareth


  • Jez

Welcome to new Directors:

Board would like to thank Brian and Gregory once again for their support.

Welcome to Gareth and Steve as our new Directors.

Steve: Been involved in a light form with OSM. Mapathons with charitable organisations in London. Was previously a teacher and has promoted OSM within academia. Has also produced maps for local organisations and a map of trials within Dorset region. Undertakes freelancing.

Gareth: First tried OSM during Potlatch days. Spotted the lacking info in local area so started contributing. Was hooked by the map the paths quarterly project. Interest in the pedestrian elements of the map – local paths and parks.

Rob: Was aware of OSM during early days but did not get involved as lacked a GPS unit. In 2012 when aerial imagery became available re-discovered OSM. Became involved as it combined interest in hiking and general geekiness. Gradually became increasingly involved with the project spurred on by membership of the local West Midlands “Mappa Mercia” group. Helped several State of the Map conferences and was one of the founding voices for OSM UK.

Adam: Heard of OSM during years working in London. Years later whilst hiking in rural areas, struggled with OS maps. Realised how easy it was to map in OSM and got hooked. Took 2 or 3 years to discover the community but now catching up with this and giving back to the project.

New Director set up:

  • Email addresses set up. Brian and Gregory removed from the board@osmukorg email address.
  • Need to add to Loomio Directors group. Request to add “(Director)” to name. Add to private section of Loomio group (garethlr, ???).
  • Adam is planning a handover with Gregory for website and membership.
  • Brian has volunteered accounts. Rob as accountable person.
  • Gareth keen to get involved with running quarterly projects and 24hour mapathons.
  • Steve keen to promote OSM locally to the older generations/retired members.
  • Need to provide access to website (WordPress). Rob to provide access.
  • On Companies House: Not updated yet. Steve to follow up with Brian.
  • Rob to check what else we need to notify Companies House / CIC about.
  • Access to google drive: Rob to set this up. Gareth to send gmail address.


Agreed that it is ok to set up quick response/emergency use. All to share mobile mobile number with board@ email address.

Date for future meetings:

Discussed Monday and Thursday as potential options. Monday 7:30pm agreed as the least worst time although possible to slit it to 8:00pm (Rob to check with Jez). For now we will go for the first Monday in each month.

Year strategy:

  • We reviewed the 2018/19 strategy and where we had success and where we could do more.
  • Can do a mailshot to our members to gather more ideas. Gareth to draft some text and send to Rob.
  • We should have a deadline for ideas and then hold a vote on Loomio. Aim is to get the mailchimp out this week, then 1 week for idea generation and 1 week for voting.

End: +68 minutes.